Sandman Signature Hotel UK Gift Vouchers
Struggling to find the perfect gift for someone who has everything?
Treat yourself or a loved one to a stay at a Sandman Signature Hotel and experience luxurious, laid-back comfort. Whether it's an overnight escape or an extended holiday, the choice is yours, and the delight is ours to provide.
Our vouchers can be redeemed in full or in part towards accommodation at any of our UK hotels. With locations in Newcastle, London Gatwick, Aberdeen, and Glasgow, your voucher remains valid for 12 months.
Book Sandman Signature Newcastle Hotel
0191 229 2600
Book Sandman Signature Aberdeen Hotel & Spa
01224 945555
Book Sandman Signature London Gatwick Hotel
01293 561186
Book Sandman Signature Glasgow Hotel
0141 4061888

Visit Portmarnock Resort & Jameson Golf Links
Our sister hotel in Dublin
Gift cards are available for a wide range of on-resort activities, making it the perfect present. Visit their website here for more information.